Are you alarmed by worsening conditions in our world?
Would you like to strengthen and nourish your capacity to make a difference?
Active Hope is about finding, and offering, our best response when facing concerns about our world situation.
It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, towards a society and way of being that support the flourishing of life.
Click here to read or download a pdf taster of the revised edition - with the introduction and first two chapters
“Books about social and ecological change too often leave out a vital component:
how do we change ourselves so that we are strong enough to fully contribute to this great shift?
Active Hope fills this gap beautifully, guiding readers on a journey of gratitude, grief,
interconnection and, ultimately, transformation.”
– Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine