Introducing Project Active Hope

The starting point is recognising that it can be hard to face the mess we’re in and play our part in response. So we take it on as a project, as a larger long-term process we commit to. There’s two key aspects of this

  • taking on the project of finding and playing our part (or parts) to play in making a difference

  • taking on the project of supporting our commitment and developing our capacity to find and play our part (or parts).

This can happen at many levels - as an individual we can take on the project of finding our part and also supporting our capacity to play our part. We can also do this as a group or community or organisation or country. Finding our part to play is both personal and collective.

How do we do this? Just recognising that this is a piece of work and project to engage in is itself a step. The infographic here maps out a five stage process for moving forward with this.