Going Forth Elle Adams Going Forth Elle Adams

Chapter 9

Equipped with these four discoveries, we move into the Going Forth section of the spiral, which focuses on how we find our role in the Great Turning and offer the gift of our unique contribution. Most projects of significance begin as fleeting thoughts that were caught and then acted on. In Chapter Nine, Catching an Inspiring Vision, vision catching and vision holding are introduced as learnable skills. Practices are described that help us catch inspiration, as well as be caught by it. The concept of co-intelligence is introduced, looking at how we develop common visions with others and cultivate inspiration that is shared.

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Going Forth Elle Adams Going Forth Elle Adams

Chapter 10

You can feel highly motivated to act, but grind to a halt if you don’t believe your actions will make any difference. Yet all of us may have examples of things we’ve achieved that we’d earlier dismissed as unlikely or even impossible. Chapter Ten, Daring to Believe It Is Possible, describes historical and current examples of people facing and challenging disbelief, offering tools that help us do this too. Practical action planning tools are introduced, as seeing ourselves acting on our visions is a powerful way of adding to our belief in them.

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